Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cycle #5 P4 Update


Yes I did get them this morning, your level looks really good at 22.1 ng/ml.  You did ovulate quite well.  If you don’t have a cycle in a week do a uhcg and call if it’s positive. 

That was my P4 level on CD 24 (yesterday). If you remember correctly, last month my P4 was 75 on CD22! I asked the nurse to explain how it went from 75 last month to 22.1 this month; I have not heard back.

Don't get me wrong. I am ecstatic! I mean 22.1 is a great number and I DID ovulate!! I just like to have all the answers; even if I don't fully understand them!

So, we figure ovulation was about a week ago, on CD 17 or so. The good thing is I only have to endure one more week of the dreaded "2WW"!

That is all the time I have for now. But trust me, I have a lot more to say!

Go get her!


  1. Btw that picture is hilarious!

  2. P4 levels are highly variable and may not be consistent from cycle to cycle and they can vary even throughout the day. Well done for ovulating, now to only determine when!

    1. Thank you for explaining that to me! I truly still get so confused!

  3. Replies
    1. Yay! Maybe I am am hormonal, but her email was rather cold this time around. Usually she is very informative and calls me by name... I feel a bit shuned. She couldn't even call me. Oh well... I ovulated!!!

  4. My RE's nurse explained to me that the level needed to be above 8 which signals you have ovulated, so I think it can definitely vary for sure. Good luck!

  5. Love the picture. Yay for ovulating "quite well." Sorry the nurse didn't respond to your question about the number difference, but don't spend too much time worrying about that. I'd just ask again next time you have a chance.

    1. I love photos! She actually responded the next day- I get a little impatient! She thinks I could have dropped FIVE eggs last month- possibly TWO this month!

  6. Yay for ovulating! I always love your egg&sprem pics :)

  7. That's a great number and yay for ovulation!

  8. That's great! Each of my cycles I have had different P4 numbers. My doc always says anything over 10 is good! So congrats!!

    1. Well great! I am always over 10. Nurse thinks I release more than one egg!


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