
 April 21, 2011
 DH's SA results:
Count- 44.3 million/ml
Motility- 75%

May 10, 2011
Lab Work up OB
FSH- 5.6
LH- 5.5
Insulin- 7.0

November 2011

Clomid Cycle 150mg, days 3-7
Estradiol Level on day 3 was 48, FSH 62.
Day 10 Estradiol was 35, FSH 7.9.
No dominate follicle. 

 February 10, 2012
Initial Lab Work with RE
DHEA Sulfate: 571 (normal range 65-380)
Total Testosterone: 59.9 (normal range 5.7-77.0)
TSH with Reflex: 0.844 (normal range 0.465-4.680)
Free T4: 1.01 (normal range 0.78-2.19)
Rubella: Non-immune (had to get MMR vaccine)
Prolactin: 11.40 (normal range 3.00-18.60)

Injection Cycle #1 
Estradiol Levels and US results
CD 7= 30
CD 11= 52
CD 15= 126 (1 follicle L side 20mm) Trigger shot, IUI on CD17

Injection Cycle #2
Estradiol Levels and US results
CD 8= 76
CD 11= 89 (1 follicle at 19mm on R side) Trigger shot (No IUI)

Femara Cycle #4
Non monitored cycle
CD 22-- 75
Positive OPK CD 15,16
HPT- 2/8/13- BFN

Femara Cycle #5
2/10/13- CD1
2/11/13- Baseline U/S CD 2, clear 20 follicle each side (+/-)
Femara 7.5mg CD 3-7
Positive OPK CD15,16 maybe 17
CD 24-- 22.1

DH's SA- 4/22/13
Pre- Wash- 64 mil, 81% motility
Post- Wash- 98 mil, 93% motility
Final Progression- 3.5 (best being 4)

Femara Cycle #6
4/22/13- Follicle scan- 20.4mm on L ovary, 0 on R ovary, endometrium 4mm (?)
4/23/13- 1:30am Trigger shot
4/24/13- IUI 1:30pm
4/24/13- P4- .98 (non-ovulatory #) 3:30pm
4/24/13- Follicle scan 2:30pm- no follicle, corpus luteum remains on L ovary
5/1/13- P4 #2- 27.2
5/8/13- HPT -BFN

Natural Cycles 
May 2013
Ovulated on CD 27
Period started on CD 42
Weight: 203 pounds

June 2013
June 20th- CD #1
July 7th- Positive OPK- CD 18
July 26th and Aug 7th- HPT- BFN

August 2013
Period started on CD 48
August 7th - CD#1
August 22nd-  CD#16 Positve OPK

September 2013
No period--
Positive OPK CD 42

October 2013
Period started on CD 73 - October 18th

November 2013- Femara Cycle #7
Period started November 18th
Femara Cd 3-7 (5mg)

December 2013
Period started on CD 33- December 20th
Weight: 170 pounds

January 2014
No Period

February 2014
CD #1 on Feb 28th (after 70 days without a period)

March 2014
13 day cycle

April 2014
26 day cycle

May 2014
28 day cycle

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