TTC Timeline

January thru December-  No regular cycles. Not trying, but if it happens, GREAT!

January- June- Trying a little harder- we know something is wrong. Time to seek professional help.
June 2011- First visit with OB regarding fertility.

July 2011- Surgery to check for endometriosis and to insure tubes were open (Results showed everything was normal and ok, although left ovary was a bit larger)

August 2011- Prepare for wedding! First round of Clomid 50mg days 5-9. Ultrasound day 13- no mature follicles.

September 2011- WEDDING! Clomid 50mg CD 5-9. Same results.

October 2011- Clomid 100mg, days 5-9. Same results
Started acupuncture/TMC

November 2011- Clomid 150mg, days 3-7. Estradiol Level on day 3 was 48, FSH 62. Day 10 Estradiol was 35, FSH 7.9.No dominat follicle. Failed Clomid challenge test. Referred to RE.
Last acupuncture treatment

December 2011- Rest cycle

January 2012- Rest Cycle

February 2012- 51 day cycle- Meet with the RE in Eugene. Diagnosed with PCOS. Started Metformin and steroid

March 2012- 43 day cycle- Period late- had progesterone drawn- level was at 8.1 (I did ovulate) wait for cycle to start then Femara 5mg days 3-7, Positive OPK on CD 15- Progesterone level check 29.7!!!

April 2012- 30 day cycle- HPT- BFN, Femara CD 3-7, Positive OPK on CD 13
Progesterone level check on CD 21- Levels at ?- I forgot to write it down!

May 2012- 34 day cycle. Femara days 3-7, US on CD 13 15mm follicle on right ovary. Trigger shot on CD 15, IUI #1 on CD 17. TWW- HPT CD 31- BFN.

June 2012- 31 day cycle. Injection stimulation, 2 vials, then 1 vial alternating days 3-11. Lab CD 11, Estradiol Level 52 (low). Increase to 2 vials daily. CD 15 Estradiol 126, US 20 mm follicle on left ovary, Trigger shot CD 15, IUI #2 on CD 17, CD 31- BFN

July 2012- 31 day cycle- Rest cycle

August 2012- No period- waiting..... Blood drawn to check progesterone on CD 45- Levels at 19- I OVULATED ON MY OWN!! (about a week prior)

September 2012- 55 day cycle- Injection Stimulation. 2 vials daily. CD 8 Estradiol Level- 76, CD 11 US check- 1 follicle 18.9mm on right side. Estradiol level was at 89. No IUI. Started Progesterone on CD 13. On CD 25- HPT- BFN.

October 2012- Start BCP's to keep cycle regular. Second Opinion with ORM- NO INJECTION STIMULATION unless doing IVF.

Birth Control Pills:
November 2012- 28 day cycle (spot whole time)
December 2012- 28 day cycle (very light) Started blogging

January 6th, 2013- CD10 stop BCP's.
Ready to try again with oral meds!
Plan to start acupuncture more regularly.

January 13th 2013- Start Femara 7.5mg, CD 3-7. Acupuncture CD 13, POSITIVE ovulation on CD 15 and 16! Massage on CD 18
Progesterone test CD 22 (2/1/13) - Results= 75!!!! One heck of an ovulation!
HPT 2/8/13- BFN

February 10th 2013- CD 1
Baseline U/S CD 2 on 2/11/13-All clear 20 follicles each side (+/-)
CD3-7 Femara 7.5mg
POSITIVE ovulation on CD 15,16 maybe 17
CD 24- P4 check= 22.1  I OVULATED!
HPT 3/12/12- BFN

March 17th 2013 (Rest Cycle)- CD 1
March 19th- Start BCP
March 19th- P. Cyst removal surgery Part #1

April 2013- 
April 10th- Spotting (CD 25)
Stopped BCP April 11th (CD26)
Spotting continued
April 12th Surgery for pilonidal cyst removal
April13th- Start Femara per RE
April 22nd - Follice Check- 20.4 mm on left side. 0 on right side. Endometrium at 4m? (not accurate)
April 23rd -1:30am- Trigger shot
April 24th- 1:30pm- IUI and follicle check. Follicle gone at 2:30pm corpus luteum remained. Lining at 10mm
P4- .98 (non-ovulatory #)
May 1st- P4 #2- 27.2  I OVULATED!
May 7th- HPT- BFN

May 2013- 
Natural Cycle
May 10th- CD#1
June 5th- CD 27- Positive OPK on Clear Blue Digital - Ovulated on my own!!!
June 20th- CD 42- AF shows up as we are about to board the plane

June 2013
Natural Cycle
June 20th- CD #1
July 7th- CD 18- Positive OPK on Clear Blue Digital- Ovulated on my own!!!
July 26th-HPT BFN
August 5th- HPT BFN

August 2013
Natural Cycle 
August 7th- CD#1
August 22nd- CD #16- Positive OPK- tested twice, both positive! Ovulated on my own!!!
September 13th CD 38 - HPT BFN
September 18th- CD 42 Positive OPK?!Ugh oh!
73 day cycle!!!

October 2013 
Natural Cycle
October 18th- CD#1  

November 2013
Femara Cycle
32 day cycle
November 18th- CD#1
Femara 5mg CD 3-7
December 4th- CD 17- Postive OPK
December 20th- CD 33- AF came to town

December 2013

Natural Cycle
December 20th- CD #1

January 2014
Natural Cycle
70 day cycle (no period in January)

February 2014

Natural Cycle
February 28th- CD #1 after 70 days

March 2014
Natural Cycle
13 day cycle
March 13th- CD #1 

April 2014
Natural Cycle
26 day cycle
April 8th- CD1

May 2014
Natural Cycle
28 day cycle
May 5th- CD 1 


  1. I traveled the infertility road for several years--I know that it is very difficult! I, too, have PCOS, and Metformin was my miracle drug. Have you tried that or been recommended it? I was unsuccessful with Clomid, injections, and IUI, but got pregnant within about three months on Metformin. I know it isn't everyone's answer, but just thought I would mention it. Good luck and god bless you in your journey...

    1. I am on Metformin 750mg twice a day. I responded poorly to Clomid and injections. Femara seems to really help, though! We only did 2 IUIs.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. My CD 1 was March 15, 2013. CD 15 March 30 I get positive OPK, and cant get in for IUI until April 1, I am not seeing this as a good thing-------considering it is 43 hrs past the +opk

    1. Yikes! They don't have on call staff for things like that? So sorry!! I hope that something can be worked out!

  3. Have you tried myo-inositol? It sort is a magic fixer upper for a subset (but not all) women with PCOS.

  4. I found your blog while looking for similar stories/blogs as my own. Its just so nice to know I am not alone. Thank you for being so open about your journey. I wish you the best of luck!


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