Monday, March 18, 2013

Can't I Catch a Break??

Man, I must have done something really bad in my past life (and or current life) to be handed this stack of cards. I have to go in for a minor surgery tomorrow. I mentioned in my previous post that I have had some low back and tailbone pain that has been getting worse. Today, I went to the doctor and sure enough, I have another pilonidal cyst on my tail bone (right between the cheeks). Last time I had to go under anesthesia to have it removed. It was the size of a golf ball! My doctor thinks they will be able to cut it open in the office and drain it; but he wasn't sure. We will find out tomorrow at 1:30pm. 

This was the first time seeing Dr. R. He will be my new PCP. I have yet to find a doctor that I really love. I am not saying he was not a good doctor, and that I won't end up being really happy with him, but this visit was pretty specific and we didn't have time to get into much detail about my health history, or the chance to "get to know one another", he is more familiar with my butt crack then my last name at this point. He wants me to come back in the summer. We will do a full lab work up and we will discuss them, my weight and my PCOS at that time.  Yep, my weight. I tipped the scale today at 200.2 pounds. I f*cking hate PCOS!!!

Well, thats all. Time to go take my meds.

Wish me luck.


  1. I'm sorry that you have to have your cyst removed tomorrow- hopefully it's a relatively painless procedure. I had a cyst on my lower back (on the side) removed in 2009 and it was also the size of a golf ball. Not fun.

    1. Last time it was horrible. The wound has to be left open so it will be an openowund for a while. So lame!

  2. PCOS is the WORST! :( Sorry to hear about the cyst! I'll be thinking about you!

    1. Thanks, Ann! It will be painful for a while I am assuming. Maybe not!?

  3. Ouch, you poor dear. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I a bowl full of fatness too, so we can give each other moral support for weight loss. ;)

  4. I have had two pilonital cysts about 10 years ago. They are so painful! The first time they just drained it and the second time I had surgery. The surgery has seemed to do the trick in keeping them away.

    1. My first one was about 10 years ago! Ihad it for a while so it was big and nasty. Ugh. Hopefully this time its easier. I heard they come back in the same spot! And it did...

  5. Ugg, that sounds like such a big pain in the butt!! Hee hee :)
    Seriously, I'm sorry about your cyst and I really hope the appointment today goes smoothly, and the recovery will be quick. It's a good thing you were taking this month off anyway! Although I'm sure this is not what you had in mind. Big hugs being sent your way!

  6. I'm sorry you have to deal with another cyst! I hope the doctor is right and he can just drain it today and you can avoid the bigger procedure.

  7. Oh T, so sorry to hear. As others have said good luck today! And as far as weight loss yeah I weigh more than you but am thankfully down 18.6 pounds as of last week. The vacation at Disney however didn't help and I'm pretty sure I gained some weight back. I'm doing weight watchers online and it is SUPER easy. They even have a proposed diabete plan that works well for us cysters.
    On another note I decided to start the couch to 5k (C25k:anyone else ever do this?)in hopes to help shed some weight and I can pound out my fertility frustrations into the pavement. Never knew how therapeutic walking/jogging/running could be. Who knows if ill still feel this way once my legs want to fall off. Lol.
    Good luck again today and a speedy recovery.

  8. Oh and another thing. I stumbled across a blog that is cute and funny and not IF related. While I enjoy the seven IF related blogs I follow it is a nice change of pace to read/follow one that is about other things. CHECK IT OUT! It has given me some much needed laughter just pursuing the older blogs.

    The Art of Doing Stuff


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