Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I just don't get it!

It is CD 18 today. My BBT was up this morning. It went from 96.7 to 97.33 but Fertility Friend does not recognize ovulation! UGH!! I guess we will keep checking and bd-ing through the week. I really wish it would hurry up though!

Previously, while on Femara I noticed the same thing happening. Our first cycle was optimal. We have great P4 levels, ovulation occurred between CD15-17. Then the next cycle my ovulation came a little later and my P4 was lower. The first time doing Femara I saw a line change on CD15 and by the second and third round I was not really seeing a significant change on the OPK and ovulation got further and further apart. Making detection hard so we moved to a more monitored cycle using injections. I think we need to use Femara and monitor it next time; if there is a next time. 

I hate this shit.
UPDATE: This is the email I got from my nurse...
Good morning Teresa,
So in looking at the OPK’s I am inclined to think that cycle day 16 is positive.   You may have ovulated yesterday which would account for your elevated temp today.  I don’t know what to think about the smiley face digital, we don’t typically use those.  Lets’ check a progesterone level on March 5th, in one week, to see if ovulation has occurred.  I will send lab a lab order to St. Charles today.  I recommend having intercourse again today.



  1. Ugh! I feel your pain! I had a real love-hate relationship with OPKs. The control freak in my needed them, but they can be such a mystery!

  2. Usually FF waits for a few days of elevated temps before it recognizes ovulation. Sorry things are so frustrating!

    1. I usually have it on OPK detection so I never notice the 3 day spike...

  3. Hi, I'm a new reader who just stumbled on your blog, looking for IF blogs to connect to!

    I hate OPKs...I have not had good luck getting consistent results with them so far. Good luck, I hope you hit your timing right in spite of them!

    -Mrs. Epic

  4. mommy someday is right. It usually takes a couple days of elevated temps before FF will give crosshairs. (Or at least that's always been the case for me.) I'm sorry things still aren't making much sense.

    1. We missed Bd-ing last night-- I guess he was over it, I am trying not to steam about it too much.

  5. I only used opk's for one iui cycle and I didn't seem to have any problems with them, but I only tested once/day. I never even considered the fact they could be fluctuating like hours! I was too niave. IUI's would never work for us so I didn't have to use opk's again. Sounds incredibly frustrating.


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