Saturday, February 9, 2013


I have decided to have a Giveaway! This is my first one 
and I am making the rules up as I go!

I was going through a box of books and I came across these little gifts. They are from an independent bookstore I used to work at. The cards are inspired to empower, honor and celebrate mothers, and the cute n' sassy case on the left is a tampon case! I figured this would be a good start to my giveaways.

 Lolly Lu Tampon Case
and a deck of inspirational cards ($25.00 value)

How To Win: 

Mandatory Entry:

You must first answer the following questions:

  • If you're living through infertility, what is the worst advice you have received? (if you are not IF- whats the worst advice you have gotten about anything?)
  • Do you have a "most embarrassing" infertility moment? If so, I dare you to share! (if you are not IF, whats your most embarrassing moment?)
  • If you haven't suffered infertility but know someone that is or has been through it, how did you best support them?
  • Can you describe your life with a six word sentence? 

Then you need to do two of the following:
  • Post about my giveaway on your blog or Facebook page and give me the direct link to the post
  • Join my site or let me know you are already following
  • Visit my "Book Club" tab and leave a comment 
  • "Like" "Where the Bleep is Our Stork?" on Facebook

  • Giveaway will end on February 28th at 9pm, Pacific Standard Time
  • Winners will be chosen at random by Random Name Picker 
  •  Winners will be posted within 24 hours of the giveaway ending. 
  • Be sure you leave a valid email address, if it's not already linked, in the comments. 
  • Winner{s} will have 48 hours to get back to me or a new winner will be drawn.  
Good Luck!

Upcoming giveaways include: a copy of "Active Women's Pregnancy Log", a Starbucks gift card, lotion, soap, candles and more! Join now!


  1. 1. Worst advice ever received? We've been told numerous times about specific kids that needed adopted and how we should adopt them. Like it was that easy, and we could just say "yeah, we want THAT kid."

    2. Most embarrassing IF moment? When I peed on the exam table after my transfer. My bladder was just too damn full and I couldn't hold it any longer no matter how hard I tried!!

    3. Unfortunately, I HAVE IF. I do try to best support my IF blogger friends by reading and commenting on their blogs :)

    4. I'm an infertile trainer coaching softball.

    I will post about your give away on my next blogging post. You will know when I do, because you are already a follower. And, of course, I am already a follower of you!

    Have fun with your giveaway!

  2. Thanks for entering, Amber! You are a great supporter! I would describe your life (what I know of it) as Infertile seeing the positive in life. :-)

  3. 1. Worst advice: "Just Relax"!
    2. Most embarrassing IF moment: Hmm, I can't think of one specifically, but I remember it being embarrassing at first to have to take my pants off at every doctor's visit. After awhile, it didn't phase me one bit though. :-)
    3. Support: I listen and give advice (when advice is wanted). I follow along with everyone and try to cheer them on the best I can. I want to give people hope.
    4. I am now a pregnant infertile.

    *I posted on Facebook about your giveaway :-) I have a lot of TTC and mommy friends on there. It's primarily my TTC/Pregnancy facebook page.
    *I am a follower.
    *I posted on your book club page.

    You did great with this giveaway!!

  4. Lisa, so Glad you entered! Thank you!!
    I hate "Just Relax!"

    You are an AWESOME pregnant infertile!! <3

  5. I haven't had infertility issues, but I supported a friend through the adoption process when she couldn't conceive.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Feel free to enter regardless! Just answer the questions best you can!

  6. 1. If you're living through infertility, what is the worst advice you have received? I've received a lot of bad advice. Picking one is hard. I'd have to say, "Just be patient. It will happen." It's almost as bad as "just relax."

    2. Do you have a "most embarrassing" infertility moment? If so, I dare you to share! Hmm. Well nothing too serious. I accidentally forgot about my progesterone suppositories in the fridge and my dad went in there and was asking me what they were... But nothing major :)

    3. If you haven't suffered infertility but know someone that is or has been through it, how did you best support them? I am infertile and I have learned that when I meet others, I don't give out advice. I just listen and be there because I know I would want that in return.

    4. Can you describe your life with a six word sentence? Hmm... "Sucky infertility ruins my damn life."

    I posted this on my 2/24/13 blog post, and I "Liked" your FB page, and am am a follower! :) Great giveaway!

    1. Risa- Thank you!
      I hate "Just Relax"
      Thanks for sharing!! You are grrrreat!


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