Friday, February 22, 2013


Well, it is CD 13 and I am anxiously awaiting a positive OPK! I was feeling ovary pains a few days ago but since then they have let up. I don't have much CM anymore either! I am kinda freaking out. I know that won't do any good, but what can I say... I am a worry wort a times and very impatient.

I looked though my book and last month and the ovulation pains started while I was still talking the Femara, CD 4-7, and then nothing. On CD 14, things started to change. I noticed more CM and by CD 15 (day of + OPK) ovulation pains stuck around until CD 20, or so. Then the heartburn hit! Whoa! I never get heartburn but after ovulation I had it daily for about 7-10 days, and it sucked!

Today, I am not having any symptoms. It is only 7:06am. 
This is what I need to remember!
P.S. You will notice that "Teresa F" is now posting as "Impatiently Waiting"


  1. It will get here :) I hated waiting and then I realized it is a waiting game every darn month from one thing to another :)

  2. Here from ICLW- I hope that you ovulate soon! I'm a late ovulater myself- it was usually Day 17 or 18 for me!

    1. I normally am late as well. I dont trust the OPK. I think I ovulate later than the surge shows. Thanks to my PCOS, its hard to tell!

  3. Isn't the waiting just so hard month after month...hope you ovulate soon!

  4. Hang in there! It's crazy how intune with our bodies we get with infertility. I never thought about all this stuff before....

    1. I know, right!? I literally knew nothing about ovulation before TTC. I never had a period and I used to be envied for that... Fools! LOL!

  5. My EWCM varies from month to month...if I only relied on that...I've been even more unlikely to become pregnant...

    1. I never really rely on my CM, I never really have any. We have resorted to Preseed.

  6. Love these quotes! Happy ICLW! Happy ovulating!

  7. I love that last quote. But I sure wish I'd hurry up and get ready. :)

  8. I'm your newest follower! I look forward to following your journey! I hope O shows up soon!! :))

  9. Waiting sucks! Hopefully, you turn that pee stick soon.

    I love the top picture. :)


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