Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OPK Anonymous

Hi, my name is Teresa and I am an OPK addict. My last OPK was 4 hours ago.
I started testing way too early and I haven't been able to stop. Some times I test once a day, other times I test up to three times a day. I will test no matter where I am. It is a real problem. Lately, I have noticed that I have been compulsively taking pictures of each one and comparing them to OPKS from days prior; trying to find THAT one. This addiction is costing me a lot of money and giving me a lot of grief. 

I am definitely headed towards


  1. I am laughing so hard right now. Starting to think you should definitely join me with pee on stick anoymous.

  2. Sign me up! Guess what... Cd 14 today and another invisible line on the morning OPK! Errrrr

  3. This is why I stay away!!! They make you crazy. So funny!

    1. Its horrible!!! I walk down the hall at my office holding a damn pee stick! Everyone probably thinks I am prego! LOL!

  4. I could be your sponsor!!!! love your psot had me laughing at work!!!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Wow, you really are addicted! You should invest in some internet cheapies! They always worked for me and won't break the bank like those First Response ones! Happy ICLW!

  6. A fellow newbie blogger here...

    Having been at this IF stuff for 2+ years now, I made a conscious decision not to go the whole OPK route, because therein lies the crazy for me. Your post cracked me up!

  7. I am a freshman blogger! Lovin it too! I will follow your blog!

    OPKS are like crack. I have to have one! Its nuts... today CD 15 I think I scored a winner!! I am SURE you can read about it in future posts! ;-)



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