Monday, June 10, 2013

Well, Sh*t!

As you know, I got a smiley face on my OPK five days ago. Ovulation was expected on CD 28, but since my temps didn't rise as quickly as I would have liked, I figured it was a false positive.

We did the deed on the day of the positive test and the next day... but then we had a MAJOR FAIL. We have not bd'd since then, and today, my temp really spiked! 

My heart hurts. I am disappointed and annoyed. I have been waiting to ovulate on my own without any sort of fertility medication for a while now, and when I do, we f*ck up the TI. Awesome. Way to go, team. UGH!!!

In case you can't tell, I am extremely frustrated. 


  1. Ugh, TI. Honestly, IVF is a lot to deal with, and expensive, and involves numerous injections... but we have done this TI so many times, without success, that IVF has actually been a blessing on our marriage. I just hated the feeling of pressured sex, and it was so stressful because of the performance issues. I said the same thing to Heather, it just makes me want to kick and scream how so many others just get to have passionate sex and get a BFP two weeks later, and we don't.

  2. So sorry friend. Sadly, I know exactly how you feel. **sigh** this TI and IF stuff is exhausting ...


  3. I'm with Risa....this should just happen so easily right? Instead it's a science project :(

  4. I've also had the frustration of getting false positives and false negatives with the OPKs, it feels like you're being lead to a dead end in a maze...and it feels like we're all lost trying to find a way out of this maze... Hugs to you!

  5. Ugh I never had much luck basing things off of my BBT....I hope you succeed regardless of these darn predictions!

  6. Damn it. I'm really sorry. Honestly, I think you did the best you could with the information you had available. And after so long of trying to figure out when to push vs. not push, it's bound to drive anyone crazy. So don't beat yourself up too much. You did the best you could with the information you had.

  7. Frustrating, yes- but don't totally lose hope. Two of my five pregnancies have resulted from BDing 2-3 days before O. Those ones were shocking, but they were very much real... anything is possible. Hang in there...

  8. Oh my poor husband always got awful anxiety when he found out it was TI time again... and then 2 days after the fertile window it would be all gone... This happens to everyone sometimes. I understand the frustrations.

  9. I gave up temping a few years ago. For me it wasn't as accurate at the OPKs.

  10. Ugh, I'm sorry! I know just how frustrated you must feel. BUT, as Catwoman said... don't give up all hope... there's still a chance. xoxo

  11. Your charts confuse me like no tomorrow! Like I posted on group earlier, one of our bfp was from 72 hour intercourse before ovulation :) Keep your chin up.

  12. TI is no fun. I was so relieved when we could just give up on trying to get pregnant the old fashion way, because spending too long TTC really takes the fun out of things. I totally get your frustration, hope you get your BFP soon :)

  13. There's still a chance! FX! xoxo

  14. I'm sorry. There is still a chance, small as it is. FX!

  15. If it makes you feel any better I have my CD12 ultrasound tomorrow and my husband is out of town for work Wed/Thurs so if I get a positive opk we are shit of of luck too. This has happened to us once before back in Oct. if I remember correctly. I also have my students dance recital keeping me super busy and out of town (I teach out about 40 miles away from where we live/get fertility treatments) Fri/Sat so if I get a positive those days I will have to skip our 2 IUI and will have taken a months worth of letrozol and had an ultrasound for no stinkin reason. Life! Grrr. Can he come home for lunch and you guys can get busy?

  16. So sorry about this. How frustrating.

  17. The stress of trying to make a baby is exhausting. Hubby and I were done with TI years ago, but I do remember how mad I would get with him if he couldn't do the deed on command. Then for years, we just let it go and figured it would happen if it was meant to be. That didn't work, so then it was time to pursue treatments. You know the rest of the story....


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