Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CD 27

When I took my temperature this morning there was a slight increase but nothing that made me think this was going to happen...

I woke up feeling fine and then by 9am I had some significant ovary pains on my left side; I have also been having some EWCM off and on for a few days now. But, when I went shopping earlier I could totally feel the pressure on the left side so I decided I would break down and buy more OPKs. Boy, am I glad I did!

I can't believe I ovulated or at least showed a surge on my own with out any fertility meds! I guess you know what we will be doing later....


  1. Yay!!! It is kinda crazy that all our virtual connections know when we're getting busy.

    Have fun! :) and yay for ovulation.

  2. Better late then never!!! :)

  3. That smiley face makes me smile! Yay for ovulating!!!

  4. Woo hooooo! Now get busy, girl!!!

  5. Yay for ovulation! good luck!

  6. Congratulations on seeing the smiley face! Have fun sexin it up!

  7. YAY! There is nothing better than a smiley face - HAVE FUN! ;)

  8. That's exciting!!! Crossing my fingers for you!! Have fun!! =P

  9. I've never figured out BBT... Have fun! ;)

  10. Hooray for the smiley. And how great that you're so aware of your body!

  11. My husband always jokes that he never knew there was a pee-stick that would tell you if you were going to get lucky or not until we started TTC. Hurray for that happy face!!

  12. So so so glad you caught this!! xoxo

  13. Congratulations! Go catch that egg.

  14. So great that you had such a good natural cycle this time around. Crossing my fingers for you, my friend!


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