Monday, April 29, 2013


Oh my! I am sorry for posting twice today!! But, I wanted to share with you the email between my nurse and myself.

Hi Sharon,
I called Saturday morning to see if my P4 was in. I guess it was really low at .98. Dr Austin wants me to re-check it on Wed or Thurs of this week. Since the IUI, my temp went back down to 97.18, but today it was 97.90. I know this is silly but is there a chance I could have ovulated this far out from the trigger? Or is it the progesterone that makes my temp spike? I know it is hard to say for sure without labs.

What a frustrating cycle, again! Geesh! 
Hope you had a nice weekend! 

Thank you!

 Hi Teresa,

I have to say that I just don’t know.  I’ve been speculating about this and my best thought is that you ovulated earlier however this is not supported by a cycle starting, which with a low progesterone level like that I would expect.  The temperature will usually spike just before ovulation and then stay elevated until either conception happens or no conception and you start a cycle.  

I spoke with Sue last week regarding your cycle and she said that IVF is recommended however if you elect to do another injectable cycle or you decide to do more Femara with an ultrasound we really want to see you here for those.  (as you said in your last e-mail).  I don’t know how much of a difference this will make but it may be helpful for us to follow it.

Also, Dr. Austin reviewed Mike’s semen analysis and it’s entirely normal.

I wish I had a better answer for you!


So, now we get to make a decision. I really hate it when they give me options. I am never good at making a choice; just ask my husband. I can't even pick an item off the menu with confidence! 


  1. I'm the same way as you, I hate having to make decisions. I know that you will make the best decision for you and Mike, it may just take awhile to figure out which one that is. Keep your head up! <3

    1. Thanks so much! I feel drained from this crazy cycle for sure!

  2. hey there... i recently found your blog posted on RESOLVE and I love it!! I think my cycle is sort of lined up with yours... I had my IUI on Saturday and Sunday which were CD20&21. So today is CD22... I get my progesterone tests on Wednesday and I am nervous about it. Everything so far in this cycle has gone as good as it could possibly go, but you know how i feel so i don't have to explain it :)

    I wanted to comment based on the comment you made about making a decision - I had that with the last cycle and I felt the exact same way as you. I didnt even want the option. Anyway, I chose to do one more IUI (IUI #3 - my clinic only does 3.) My hubs and I figured it's cheaper, less invasive, etc. so we might as well try the one more time and see if it happens to work. Now we are just praying like crazy for the next two weeks!

    good luck w/ your cycle! baby dust!

    1. I have been following your blog! Love that you found me through RESOLVE! How cool is that!?

      Thanks for coming by and for the wishes!

  3. Although my circumstances were different, It was so hard for us to make the decision to go to IVF. I did a lot of soul searching, a lot of praying, and a lot of research. For us, we just decided that at the end of the day it wasn't worth all of the uncertainty and a more aggressive approach was what was best for us. It was hard and although we have yet to have a positive result that ends in live birth, we are happy that we went forwarded with IVF.

    1. IVF costs frightens me. I know I need to look beyond that, and hopefully soon!

  4. Decision making is the worst. I couldn't even pick out a candy bar at the store when I was little. I can't imagine making fertility treatment decisions, although that is just around the corner for us. Here's to hoping this month is your month and you won't have to make any decision at all.

    1. I am horrible at decision making! I will be following along as you embark on IF treatments! Best of luck to you!

  5. Yay for normal SA for your DH, that is great news, right?! Praying for you as you have to make your decision!

    1. SA was awesome all the way around! Yay for him. Thank you, for the prayers! IVF is a big step!

  6. Good luck with your decision, sounds like you have a great clinic!!

  7. I know the whole ivf decision was so hard for us to make. I struggled with "what if it doesn't work?" Where do you go from there. You will find the treatment that works for you. I hate that it cost so much money and lots of tears in the process though.

    1. It is a big decision. We KNOW we WILL do it, just not as soon as I wanted.

  8. Maybe you've answered it in prior postings, but I've kinda of wondered why you haven't embraced IVF. Is it just the cost that is so prohibitive? It seems the findings of what you have done so far haven't turned out that well. I say go for it! (of course, I'm not the one paying for it . . .)

    1. At first we started treating my anovulation (lack of ovulation). We hoped that we could get pregnancy to occur with less agressive, less expensive treatments once I started ovulating on a regular basis. That has not happened. So IVF is really our best bet from here. I am just really worried that I have bad eggs. I am scared to risk all that money. However, I know that I will regret it if we don't try it.

  9. Fertility treatment decisions are always so bloody difficult. I always made decisions by thinking about how I would feel as a 50 year old, looking back... would I be content with the decisions I made, or would I feel regret? I always found that the right choice became very obvious when I looked at it that way. My worst fear in life is looking back with regret. Hope that helps a bit... :)

    1. You are so right. In 20 years how will I feel if I know I didn't try everything.I guess I need to decide when to do it. How much do we have up front, how much will we pay on.. ya know... the big stuff.

  10. It is hard to make some decisions with infertility. I am struggling with making some decisions myself. :/ Boo.

    1. It is so hard. I know that it is up to me, but it would make me feel so much better if they just said "You are doing this" ... but then, of course, I would argue that! LOL!

    2. I hear ya. I am going to blog the conversation I had with my doc yesterday, but I needed him to point us in the right direction. It's a tough decision because of the stupid costs.

    3. I apprecaite that they lead us there... to IVF. But they never say "You NEED to do IVF if you want to get pregnant" they just say "you might want to think about it" ... HELLO! That is all I do...

  11. I agree with Impatiently Waiting. When my Doctor gives me choices, I just get stuck. Just tell me what to do and we can get through this. When you give me options, I start thinking and googling. That's never a good thing.

    1. Indeed! I pay the RE good money to tell me what we are suppose to do! I can't take making a decision on top of all this. I already stress about it enough!

  12. For us, the choice was pretty easy. If we were going to end up with IVF in the long run anyways, we didn't want to nichol and dime ourselves with IUIs that most likely weren't going to work anyways. It would cost us more in the end to prolong it. The scary part is that there is no guarantee of it working either way. But this way, we will KNOW we did everything we could. Hubby says we are paying for peace of mind so we will have no regrets.

    1. We know that we will look into IVF further next year. Our one last shot. I want to be super ready when that time comes. I was hoping we can avoid it... but it doesn't sound like we can. HUGS!


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